[ltp] Ubuntu Dapper vs. ThinkPad X41 (Tablet) suspend
Shot (Piotr Szotkowski)
Sun, 13 Aug 2006 15:49:18 +0200
Shot (Piotr Szotkowski):
> Peter Frühberger:
>> could you try following:
>> change /etc/default/acpi-support
>> the corresponding values to:
> This is off by default.
Ok, so I lied miserably. First, it’s not off by default, I commented
SAVE_VBE_STATE=true out way-back-when I did my first attempt to fix
suspend and forgot. Second, commenting it out and acutally setting it
to false are two very, very distinct things.
After some more hit-or-misses and and offline input from my friend
I actually arrived at a working suspend; the catch is to turn off the
splash kernel parameter (bye bye you nice Ubuntu bootsplash) and doing
the following to the original /etc/default/acpi-support:
Thanks again, Peter, for providing the right acpi-support fixes!
-- Shot
Rincewind could scream for mercy in nineteen languages, and just scream
in another forty-four. -- Terry Pratchett, _Interesting Times_