[ltp] T42 Locks with SUSE 10.1
Marius Gedminas
Sat, 16 Dec 2006 18:09:36 +0200
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On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 05:05:58AM -0800, Richard Bellin wrote:
> I have been experiencing random lockups running=20
> Suse 10.1 on a T42 Thinkpad. When the system hangs,=20
> the hard drive light comes on, and everything is=20
> frozen. Mouse and keyboard are locked out. The only=20
> exit is to power off the machine.=20
I have experienced random lockups on my T42 (Radeon Mobility M7), caused
by the X radeon driver (the one in Ubuntu Dapper). Often my laptop
would freeze during a workspace switch in metacity. Sometimes it would
just freeze. If I tried to use xrandr or xvidtune to change the video
mode, it would almost always freeze. Sometimes I could go for weeks
without freezes, sometimes I'd get three or four freezes in one day.
A newer version of the driver (the one in Ubuntu Edgy) fixed it.=20
I don't know if you have the same problem, or something different.
> There doesn't seem to be any particular application
> that triggers this. Sometimes this may happen within
> 5 minutes of power up. Other cases are when sitting
> idle overnight. I have scanned the various logs I
> have and do not see anything that might indicate why
> the system hung.=20
> =20
> I don't seem to experience this lockup when booting=20
> Windows. I've also run an exhaustive memory test with
> the idea that maybe I have bad RAM, but that has
> turned up negative. I suspect that this is a Linux
> software problem. Any suggestions for tracking this
> annoyance down would be greatly appreciated.=20
The symptoms are pretty similar. Do you use the open-source radeon
driver? What version? My /var/log/Xorg.0.log says
(II) Module radeon: vendor=3D"X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 7.1.1, module version =3D 4.2.0
while the package version that fixed the freezes was
xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:6.6.2-0ubuntu3 (and the fix was in a patch
taken from upstream git, so the upstream 6.6.2 didn't have the fix):
* Fix radeon aperture size check that was causing hangs and crashes on
RN50, M6, M7 with 8/16/32(??) MBs of VRAM:
- 08_radeon_fix_aperture_size_check.diff
Marius Gedminas
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