[ltp] missing colors under X on TP X40

Norman Ramsey linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 03 Jan 2006 19:12:48 -0500

 > > My Thinkpad X40 seems set up to use fewer colors than expected on X.
 > > In particular, it doesn't display pastel colors well.  This is a real
 > > problem for applications like gnucash, where all the striping is just lost
 > > I'm using the Xorg X server with the i810 driver and a default
 > > depth of 24 bits per pixel.  Is this problem just inherent to the X40
 > > hardware, and if not, what driver settings should I try?
 > Have you tried 16 bit/pixel - just out of curiosity?

Yes; I can't tell the difference.

 > Also, have you tried adjusting the gamma for the LCD panel? (You can do
 > this within kcontrol->peripherals->display).  There will be an xorg
 > setting somewhere if you don't want to use KDE.

kcontrol->peripherals->display offers 'screen size' (resolution) and
refresh rate, but not gamma correction.  However, the command-line
'xgamma' tool does make quite a difference!  If dial gamma down to
0.4, my pale colors work quite well, but other things look dark.
Setting gamma to 0.6 seems to be a good compromise.

Thanks hugely!!

 > If you view a digital photo in the GIMP, and change the
 > brightness/contrast/gamma...

I fired up gimp, but never having used it before, I couldn't figure
out how to make these changes.

 > Lastly, try knoppix: it will give you a quick data-point, and help you
 > eliminate anything that might be specific to your software setup.

Also a nice idea, but I think for now I'll just go with the changed
gamma (and get used to everything else being darker).
