[ltp] [PATCH] Add support for FIR IrDA for T43/R52

Shem Multinymous linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sat, 3 Jun 2006 12:43:40 +0300

On 6/2/06, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh@hmh.eng.br> wrote:
> Now I will have to request something far more "not nice": please someone who
> *opened* his T43/R52, tell me the markings on the IrDA bridge chip so that I
> can track down the datasheet (if you tell me the markings on all suspicious
> chips, like all Winbond and National Semiconductors ships, I can figure out
> which one we want).

There's a bunch of photos on ThinkWiki, maybe one of them happens to
show the chip: http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:T43

> Argh, well, it appears that module goes back into the hibernate blacklist.

This may be even more dangerous, given:

> Just a warning: do *not* remove nsc-ircc if other modules are using it, it
> will not deregister cleanly and it will cause a kernel oops if you try to
> modprobe it back.  Stop irda, remove everything that is using nsc-ircc
> first, then remove nsc-ircc.
