[OT] Re: [ltp] Ubuntu Dapper on a22p - 1 data pt.

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 8 Jun 2006 15:57:20 -0300

On Thu, 08 Jun 2006, Paul Michael Reilly wrote:
> 1) Tell me where the package is that contains sshd?

If it is installed, use either dlocate (package dlocate) for ultra-fast
pre-indexed searches, or dpkg -S for non-indexed searches.

If it is not installed, Debian keeps a big database that apt-file (package
apt-file) can search.  Last time I checked, it was not always 100%
up-to-date (it is too big to refresh daily), but it was rebuilt every week,
so it was never outdated for more than 7 days.

> 2) Given a list of "features" missing from running the configure script
> for Emacs, for example no X11 headers, no Xaw support, etc, how would
> you have obtained the requisite packages using apt?

This is actually extremely easy if you are talking about a Debian source
package (apt-get build-dep) -- the Debian maintainer will have done that
work already.  But if you are not, auto-apt (package auto-apt) can figure
out which files you need, and which packages have them.  I never used that
tool for real, though.  I'd rather read the docs and figure out exactly what
I need, and why when packaging...

> If either problem occurred on Fedora, yum search provides the
> requisite packages more than adequately.  I will probably play with

Until you hit any of the yum/RPM design problems (apt/dpkg also have their
share of those).  No tool is perfect.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh