[ltp] T43: Lagged mouse + keys in games

Boris Ruppert linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 14 Mar 2006 18:56:33 -0800

fire-eyes wrote:
> I have a new T43. It has an ati x300 video card in it. I have set up
> ati-drivers successfully.
> The graphics in various games (quake3 , unreal tournament 2004) is fine.
>  The problem is that mouse input (from the stick, pad or exernal usb)
> and keyboard input lags by about 0.5 to 1.5 seconds. It pretty much
> makes the games unplayable.
> Anyone know what's going on here?


I am still curious about this and tried to track down this issue in the 
last days but could not find a solution. I get the same behavior with an 
external mouse and keyboard (usb).

Since people report the same behavior for windows I thought I could find 
more about that through google but didn't find a real explanation or 
lost of reports from people playing under windows.

My thinkpad performs generally well, so I won't give up the hope to play 
enemy territory on it. First I thought this might be related to ATI 
drivers but it really seems to be the input and I don't have any idea 
how to tweak it besides mouse resolution and sensitivity which doesn't help.

Maybe we can investigate this further.


| Boris Ruppert - bobo@sideburns.de                              |