[ltp] thinkpadpm removed

Daniel Déchelotte linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 27 Mar 2006 15:22:43 +0200


I am using a vanilla 2.6.16 kernel with thinkpad 5.9 from Debian etch.
As is, the thinkpad modules compile but do not load, because:
  kernel: thinkpad: falsely claims to have parameter enable_thinkpadpm

In /usr/src/modules/thinkpad/2.6/drivers/thinkpad.c, I commented out
the two lines that define the enable_thinkpadpm kernel module option
and recompiled.

Now thinkpad.ko does load into the kernel, but my T41 no longer suspends
when I close the lid ("apm -s" works). Could it be that "It never
provided much functionality anyway" includes the feature of suspending
to RAM on lid closure? :-/

Daniel Déchelotte