[ltp] Thinkpad Buttons
Mendel Cooper
Sun, 14 May 2006 13:01:10 -0700 (MST)
My experiences with installing the "tpb" -- Thinkpad Buttons package
on an A31:
The package itself, latest version, is tpb-0.6.4.tar.gz, and you can
Google where to download it if necessary.
Now, tpb has the xosd package as a dependency. You can download
xosd-2.2.12.tar.gz, unpack the tarball, do an ./configure, make, and make
install . . . but . . . you'll still have to go to the
$CURRENT_DIR/xosd-2.2.12/src/.libs directory and copy the libraries to
/usr/lib and then do a ldconfig.
After all that, you can finally unpack the tpb tarball, ./configure, etc.
Then, copy the example tpbrc file to ~/.tpbrc and edit it appropriately.
Works fine, and with the extra benefit that the xosd package gives you
an on-screen bar graph for sound volume and screen brightness.
It even works from icewm, my favorite window manager.