[ltp] T22 temperature

Richard Neill linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 19 Oct 2006 12:54:40 +0100

> I won't go into what units tries to do with 'degC' and 'degF' that 
> allowed me to trick myself into (not-)thinking I had generated the 
> proper conversions. The morbidly curious can always type 'help degC' 
> into a "You have:" prompt like I did. (If Larry Wall had written the 
> units definition file, at least that section would be preceded by a "# 
> Here be dragons" comment or similar warning. I want my brain back.)

Ugh. That's horrid!  It's essentially saying that n degrees is not "n 
degrees above absolute zero", but "n steps along the scale". Have you 
filed a bug report?
