[ltp] Burning a x60s

Igor V. Rafienko linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 30 Oct 2006 14:49:10 +0100 (MET)

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on Oct 30, 2006, 14:22, Guillermo Ju=E1rez wrote:

> Sorry for answering myself, but I'm a little bit mad. I just called
> IBM and they told me that the autoshutdowns and high cpu temperatures
> are normal depending on the software used. Is this possible?

No, it is not. *No* amount of prime95 testing should force the laptop to=20
shutdown with normal ambient temperature and a working fan.

If the laptop is under warranty, report it as defective to IBM. If it is=20
not, check that:

* The results are consistent (i.e. reproduceable on-demand every time).
* The results are consistent with windows (does the laptop shut down in
   windows with seti@home running?)
* The fan operates as it should (i.e. not locked on some low level. What
   does /proc/acpi/ibm/fan tell you? Are there any userspace scripts
   fiddling with the fan?)
* The fan exhaust is not obstructed in any way. Neither are the intakes.
* The heatsink is properly attached to the cpu/gpu (you'll need to open
   the laptop for that, a potentially warranty-voiding operation).

> They should have mention that before I bought it, since compiling code=20
> and high cpu consuming tasks are part of my everyday computer use.

Well, my pentium-m in my T43 never crosses 54-55C, even after prolonged=20
prime95 with ambient temperature of about 24-25C. A laptop should work=20
fine within the advertised temp specs (what, below 40-45C or something?),=
regardless of what CPU-intensive tasks you are running.

[ ... ]

Do that, and the best you can hope for is that people will ignore
you. More realistically, you'd be skinned alive, or possibly sentenced
to ten years of hard labor writing microcode for waffle irons and
toaster ovens.           -- S. Meyers, "Effective C++", item 31