[ltp] Hard drive going bad ...?

dirk husemann linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 11:13:27 +0200

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on Tuesday 05 September 2006 20:41, njcross@sbcglobal.net wrote:
> My hard disk is dying, isn't it? *sob* =A0Is there a way I can replace the
> hard disk and and have Mandriva, and Winblows 2000 pro, transferred so th=
> I can keep going without re-installing and setting up again?

yes, you can replace the harddisk. just get a laptop/notebook harddisk. i'v=
done this several times myself. to transfer the content to the new harddisk=
i'd either get an ultrabay frame into which you can plug the old harddisk o=
get an external USB enclosure, then boot with an install CD, create on the=
new harddisk all the partitions that you need/had on your old one, mount th=
new partitions, mount the old harddisk as read-only and then copy your stuf=
over (i tend to use rsync for that).

the USB route might be painful if your T23 doesn't have USB 2.0 support: th=
it will be a rather sloooooooooooooooooooooow process, in that case the=20
ultrabay frame is the solution.

> Who would you suggest I take my computer to, if I wasn't going to do the =
> replacement myself?

have a look around in you city whether there are any shops that "do" linux.=


Dr Dirk Husemann, Pervasive Computing, IBM Research, Zurich Research Lab
	hud@zurich.ibm.com --- http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~hud/
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