[ltp] X60s: Sound gone after FC5 yum update

Atul Chitnis linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 21 Sep 2006 00:03:03 +0530 (IST)

OK, call off the firebrigade.

It was my fault.

I hadn't done an update in ages, and therefore had left the yum update 
process running overnight and unattended.

I didn't notice that ATrpms was turned on by default, and that installed 
ATrpms' alsa-lib.

I knocked them off, installed the FC5 updates alsa-lib packages, and Elvis 
is back in the building.

Will do some more testing, but I think its fixed.

Thanks, all!


Atul Chitnis     | mail@atulchitnis.net
Bangalore, India | http://atulchitnis.net