[ltp] Fedora 6, T60, ATI radeon mobility X1400 won't see new
widescreen at 1680x1050, only at 12x10
Jon Escombe
Fri, 17 Aug 2007 14:19:27 +0100
Whil Hentzen wrote:
> So... adventuring into this new world - where do I find the specific ATI
> drivers I need, and once in hand, what do I do with them?
Fedora packages for the ATI fglrx drivers can be found on rpm.livna.org
- you should find the documentation there pretty straightforward. You'll
want to add the livna repository to your yum configuration, and then
you'll be able to install using the GUI software updater.
There's also an open source avivo driver under development, but it's
pretty new, and as far as I know there are no RPM's available for FC6.