[ltp] Re: [OT,HW] T23 know failure?

Marco Gaiarin linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 21 Feb 2007 23:27:29 +0100

Mandi! Travis Young
  In chel d? si favelave...

TY> It might well be a faulty main battery connection.  The fact that his
TY> fix for the behavior is pushing down on a spot on the bottom leads me
TY> to think it's *some* sort of connection issue.

I'm exactly supposing the same, i'm only asking if this is some sort of
'known defect'...

  Io ammiro gli americani per come fanno le trattative: prima di tutto
  pensano a se stessi, poi a se stessi, e solo alla fine a se stessi.
						(Ignacio Lula da Silva)