[ltp] Installed Grub to MBR, now can't boot XP (dual boot config)

Greg Kimberly linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 17 Jan 2007 00:12:50 -0800

I have a T41 upon which I've installed Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy). I'm now in
the seemly unusual situation of being able to boot linux and the
recovery tools, but not XP. My drive layout is:

hda1 XP
hda2 swap
hda3 ext3 (root of ubuntu)
hda4 (extended partition)
	hda5 rescue and recovery

I started with 

title           Windows
 root            (hd0,0)
 chainloader     +1

This boots the rescue and recovery section.

>From http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/Rescue_and_Recovery

I got the following for a grub boot profile 

title           Windows
 root            (hd0,0)
 hide            (hd0,4)
 chainloader     +1

This still booted the rescue and recovery tools.

And I then played with trying various hide cmds and now it  won't boot
at all. I now get an error 17 from grub. Never mind that parted (reached
via the Ubuntu bootable CD) doesn't show any hidden bits set at all -
apparently grub sets them in a way that parted can't see? Ack!

As for the original error (can't boot XP only rescue) I take it that
when I installed Ubuntu, it squashed the windows boot loader and thus
there isn't a normal XP bootloader? 

Any ideas on how to proceed are welcome. I've gone from a machine that
would at least boot Ubuntu to one that won't boot from the hard disk at