[ltp] presentation to show linux
Richard Neill
Sat, 02 Jun 2007 04:56:33 +0100
r8scq7b02@sneakemail.com wrote:
> Also mention drawback and _why_ they are drawbacks. Most drawbacks are _not_
> the fault of GNU/Linux and its developers. It is mostly due to laws,
> restrictions placed by corporations and by producers of
> software/hardware/etc.
Of course mplayer/vlc has one big advantage: it ignores region-coding on
Here are/were the major problems from proprietary software:
* Real Audio:
There's a closed-source player from Real, but mplayer handles
everything fine.
* Java:
Was proprietary. Kaffe was almost a good alternative. But now
Sun's Java is GPL.
* Acroread:
Proprietary program available, but kpdf is now better.
* Flash:
Still proprietary, unfortunately. But at least flash-9 works
* Skype:
Ugh. Horrid thing, but use sip:// (eg ekiga) instead.
* MS OFFice:
OOorg is now perfectly good enough and compatible. Cross-over
office is also available if you really must run MS office under
* Nvidia
Proprietary, but at least it works.
Proprietary, and unstable. [I wish my T60p weren't crippled by
a FireGL 5200 - I'd rather have practically anything else.]
* Some wireless drivers
Not too bad - most drivers now have proper free drivers; some still
use ndiswrapper, but at least you can buy a card which has working
Web Services
Itunes? But then, it's generally better value to buy the CD and rip it
P.S. It's fair to say that, with a little help for installation, Linux
is now not just better for geeks, but it's flat-out better in almost
every way than windows. My great aunt finds KDE easier than a Mac.