[ltp] suspend/resume on X60 with Intel 3945, Fedora 7

George Avrunin linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 3 Jun 2007 16:39:27 -0400

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I have a new X60 (1709-G3U) with the 3945 wireless card.  I've installed
the x86_64 version of Fedora.  The installation set up modprobe.conf to use
the new iwl3945 module, and the wireless network comes up and works fine
with WPA2-PSK with Network Manager.  But I can't get suspend/resume (or
hibernate/resume) to work properly without manually stopping NetworkManager.

=46rom reading various sites (e.g.,
http://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/quirk/index.html, though I
don't seem to need the s3_bios and s3_mode quirks described there) I
expected to have to remove the iwl3945 module as part of the suspend
process.  But I can't get the module removed if NetworkManager is
running.  Manually doing an rmmod doesn't work even if wireless (or
networking altogether) is disabled in NetworkManager.  Neither does
putting the module into the scripts that pm-utils uses to unload and
restore modules for suspend and hibernate. If I manually stop the
NetworkManager service, I can unload the module manually or through the
pm-utils scripts, and both suspend and hibernate work fine.  But then I
have to start NetworkManager again after the resume.  As far as I can tell,
the dbus notification to NetworkManager about the suspend is working, it's
just that the iwl3945 module does not get removed if NetworkManager is
running.  I did get some selinux messages, but this happens even if running
in permissive mode.

I also tried installing the ipw3945 stuff from ATrpms and I seem to have
a similar problem.  I can suspend and resume, but can't seem to get the
network restarted unless I have stopped NetworkManager and removed the
module before the suspend. =20

I have edited the
/usr/lib64/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-power-suspend-linux script to
stop and start NetworkManager, but I don't think that's really the
right way to deal with this problem.  I have asked on the Fedora list
about this but haven't gotten a response yet and I thought that perhaps
someone here would have some better ideas about how to deal with this.



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