[ltp] Re: What keyboard layout to use for X60s?

linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 6 Jun 2007 17:54:05 -0400

On Tuesday 05 June 2007 22:46, dimitris wrote:
> I also got it to "work" by setting the keyboard scheme to "Windows
> scheme with Windows key" and the layout to "ACPI standard".
> I'm not sure whether both steps are necessary.

Thank you very much for the suggestion. It works mostly as you explain it.
window key: keycode: 115, keysym: 0xffeb, Super_L
menu key: keycode: 227, keysym keysym: 0x1008ff2b, XF86WakeUp
Fn key: keycode: 227, keysym keysym: 0x1008ff2b, XF86WakeUp

Notice that Fn key and menu key are once again registering as the same key. 
The problem is the same as before: binding anything to menu key 
automatically binds it to Fn key. This makes perfect sense because they have 
the same keycode. Everything is done by keycode and from what I know, doing 
what you say, having two keys with the same keycode and two different keysyms 
is impossible.

And both steps are _not_ necessary. Just set the layout to acpi. In fact, 
there is a better way of doing it than via KDE: change the XkbModel to acpi 
in xorg.conf. This will make the keys function properly in any window 
manager, plus it makes sure that it will not cause problems when other 
programs "reset" the keyboard layout.