[ltp] [offtopic] how to use windows?
Alexey I. Froloff
Sat, 9 Jun 2007 01:24:54 +0400
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Just got my X41 from service (HDD died and replaced) with
pre-installed Windows XP. I decided to update BIOS and firmwares
with magic Auto-Seek-And-Dest^WUpdate Tool.
There were lots of pre-installed sh*t, like tablet tools, google
desktop/picasa, symantec antivirus and so on. Windows boots for
about 2-3 minutes and then for about 5-7 minutes it was so slow,
than any slower and programs will be running backwards.
OK. ThinkVantage, System Update, Find updates. First of all
System update have updated itself three times in a row. Finaly
I've updated BIOS without any visible problems. Next stop - HDD
and CDRW firmwares.
Go to lenovo website, download firmware updates (ISO, since I
don't have floppy) and... From now on I tried to play "average
windows user".
How do you burn ISO image from Windows XP? Short answer: You
can't. Long answer: Download Nero Burning Rom (trial version,
150 megabytes, don't know how much it costs). By turning
"advanced user mode" on I've found 200K DLL that adds "Burn ISO
image" menu item to context menu.
While downloading linux installer CD I tried to watch Pink Floyd
Pulse DVD concert. "Wow! DVD disk detected. Wanna watch with
Windows Media Player?", asked Windows XP? "OK", I replied. "You
can't watch DVD", said Windows XP, "because you don't have
Menu, Plugins, Download Plugins, Codecs... 5-6 links, click...
"Only now and only for you these pretty MPEG-2 codecs for only
$14.95 and I'm cutting me own throat!"... So I gave up and
installed linux.
How do people use Windows? You can't just apt-get install /
emerge / whatever your-favorite-applications. You can't upgrade
all your installed applications. Some (most of) applications you
have to buy. You can set up nice workplace, probably with free
components but you should spend a lot of time searching for it
and then tracking updates manually.
I can't use Windows any more after seven linux-only life. Sorry
for a bit of offtopic, but I needed to tell this to someone ;-)=20
Linux forever! ;-)
Sir Raorn.
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