[ltp] rescue partition trashed

André Wyrwa linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 03 May 2007 19:09:54 +1000

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i know there's an article about all this on ThinkWiki, but ThinkWiki
seems to be down, temporarily. So i thought i'd ask here.

So...i gave in to the usual stupidity and installed grub on the MBR of a
T42 before creating the preload and rescue CDs.

Now the IBM_SERVICE partition doesn't want to boot anymore and the tools
in Windows to create the CDs can't find their data anymore.

Is there anything i can do to get at least these tools to create my CDs
or is there even a way to get the rescue system to boot again? (It gave
me a bluescreen when i chainloaded it.)

Note that this is not the older hidden partition, but a "compaq
recovery" type windows based rescue partition.


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