[ltp] Does hdaps [APS] work on non-Thinkpad hard drives?

André Wyrwa linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 06 May 2007 02:09:06 +1000

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> Thank you for that explanation. The reason for me asking all of this is=20
> because I would like to buy a non-Thinkpad (or non-Lenovo) hard drive. It=
> appears now that I must dig a little deeper than I thought in the hard dr=
> specifications to see if the hard drive supports what is needed by HDAPS.

Solution (a): Upgrade your drive through Lenovo and they'll warrant that
it works. They'll also warrant to overprice the drive for that. ;-)

Solution (b): Check what drives Lenovo is currently using. Lenovo
doesn't produce their shipped or upgrade drives, so you can find out
what the actual drives are. If one of them is good enough, go for it.
If it doesn't work per default, you'll be able to patch the firmware.

Solution (c): Based on what you found out in Solution (b) you can buy a
higher capacity drive in the same series. This is not a 100% warranty,
though, because you may not be able to patch the firmware.

However, my personal experience is that most modern drives support the
stuff anyways. I upgraded from a shipped, IBM relabelled Hitachi
HTS726060M9AT00 (60GB, 7200RPM) to a Toshiba MK1031GAS (100GB, 5400RPM)
and just a week ago from that to a Samsung HM160JC (160GB, 5400RPM). I
never really checked if they had the feature, but they all behave

Talking about that...i cannot recommend the Samsung drive. Access noise
is gorgeously low, but it has a bloody load rotation noise...sounds like
a second fan going all the time (though in a non-annoying frequency
range). However, what's worse is that on heavy access i get high
frequency noise from the Thinkpad. I can't figure where they originate,
but i don't think it's the drive itself. So i'm suspecting that the
drive sucks too much power (Hitachi praises itself for low power
consumption on their mobile drives). In short...besides the capacity,
the drive sucks. I'll replace it against a Toshiba or Hitachi as soon as
i have money again.

So if you can be bothered checking specific details...check the power
consumption as well and try to find out about noise emission. And be
aware that most "silent" attributes refer to the access noise, which is
actually much less annoying than the rotation noise.


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