[ltp] 1600 gray vertical bars on external monitor at 1600x1200

Ben Pearre linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 8 May 2007 23:24:37 -0600

Many thanks!  However, no joy.

I tried everything you suggested.  I was already using xterms with
font "fixed" and ical with tcl8.4 (still not antialiased), but I tried
the calibration checkerboard etc.  I tried every available 1600x1200
mode as you recommended, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 87Hz (the monitor
helpfully advised that it couldn't display the higher-freq ones).  I
played with xvidtune (although I don't have a principled method for
tweaking it; I more or less fiddled at random and asked my monitor to
autocalibrate with every change).  Nothing affected the lines (except
with I specified an illegal mode and dropped the monitor to 640x480 :)

Does anyone have a <60Hz 1600x1200 mode I can try?

However, xvidtune let me find a slightly crisper mode.  Lines are
still there but font edges shimmer less.  So it's some soft of
improvement.  Thanks!!


Ben Pearre     http://ml.cs.colorado.edu/~ben      PGP: CFDA6CDA
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