[ltp] R61 touchpad not recognized in Ubuntu

Ugo Riboni linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 27 Nov 2007 09:51:50 +0100

> >> So, ideally i'd like to get some advice on how to get the touchpad
> >> recognized for what it is by the system, and failing that how to
> >> disable the tap-to-click function completely.
> OK. The "Right" way to do this is to set up a udev rule. Linux will
> treat each mouse as a separate device /dev/input/mouse0,
> /dev/input/mouse1  etc. (You also get /dev/input/eventX for some things).
> [SNIP suggestions]

This is good advice. I'll give a shot at what you suggest and see if
it solve my issue.
Thank you.

However there's one thing i'd like to mention:

> (You should probably use the synaptics driver for the touchpad).

That is what i assumed I should use in the first place, but as you can
see from the Xorg log it's not working.
The problem here seems that the synaptics driver isn't liking this
touchpad, for some reason.
Maybe the driver just need to be modified to recognize the brand+model
of touchpad in the new R61 ?
Or maybe the new touchpad itself really doesn't support synaptics ?

I think this issue for the most part will be solved once the device is
recognized as a synaptics input device.
Any hints on how to find out why that's not working ?
