[ltp] Having a screen power off hotkey on newer thinkpads?

Marc MERLIN linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 30 Oct 2007 13:53:32 -0700

[please ignore the list's pesky forced reply-to, I would like a copy of
replies, even if I am on the list]

On my old T42p, I had an ACPI hotkey Fn+F3 which I could use to turn off the
screen. I had it set to call radeontool and physically power off the screen,
so even if someone touched a key, the screen would not power back on until I
explicitly hit Fn+F3.
Think of it as light security by obscurity when an xlock is overkill.

My new Z61p has a battery icon on F3, and Fn+F3 doesn't seem to generate any
ACPI event.
FN+F2 has a lock icon too, but doesn't generate an ACPI event either.

Any idea how I can get ACPI events on Fn+F2 or Fn+F3 on that new laptop?

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