[ltp] Brightness and Suspend on T61 6459-CTO
Marius Gedminas
Wed, 31 Oct 2007 21:34:46 +0200
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On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 10:58:26AM -0700, mstralka wrote:
> John Jason Jordan-2 wrote:
> > On Wed, 31 Oct 2007 05:31:07 -0700 (PDT)
> > mstralka <mstralka@gmail.com> dijo:
> >=20
> >> I have the T61 with Nvidia 140m and Intel Wireless 3945. I installed
> >> Ubuntu Gutsy last week.
> >>=20
> >> I've been following the Thinkwiki instructions for Gutsy on the T61 but
> >> cannot get the brightness controls to work in X. =20
> >=20
> > I have a T61 with the same video, although my wireless is the 4965. I
> > cannot get the brightness to work without going to the command line
> > either. I have followed the Ubuntu threads on this and I haven't heard
> > of anyone else succeeding either.
I've succeeded, but my T61 has intel video.
> > Same here, but I did discover that it works if I close the lid instead
> > of doing Fn-F4. That is, if I close the lid it suspends, and when I
> > open the lid it restores correctly. If I use Fn-F4 it suspends
> > correctly, but I cannot get it back. According to the instructions from
> > Lenovo to restore you just hit Fn, but that does not work.
"Just hitting" Fn doesn't wake the laptop. You have to hold it down for
several seconds. Alternative ways to wake it up: close the lid and open
it, or press the Power button for a couple of seconds (and risk that
after the system wakes up it might notice your Power button press and
shut down on you.)
> What happens on yours when you execute the following from the command lin=
> xbacklight -set 100
> Does it work for you?
xbacklight talks to the X video driver and requires a rather recent
feature (randr-1.2). It works with Intel cards, I don't know about any
others. Perhaps ATI, if you use a recent version of the open driver.
> I just tried closing the lid. It went to sleep but when it woke up, the
> screen was blank. The caps lock key did work for a bit, then it stopped.=
> had to do a hard-restart.
This sounds like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vbetool/+bug/134=
but it might be something entirely different.
All in all I'm happy that I chose a T61 with Intel video rather than
Marius Gedminas
If nothing else helps, read the documentation.
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