[ltp] Re: Critical Temperature Trip Points?
Shem Multinymous
Tue, 29 Apr 2008 16:45:50 -0400
Hi Ted,
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 3:36 PM, Theodore Tso <tytso@mit.edu> wrote:
> Something else that might be worth trying would be to try reading
> battery termperature via the smapi interface, using tp-smapi module.
A small nitpick: tp_smapi uses two different underlying interfaces:
* SMAPI access to the BIOS for battery charging control
* LPC access to the Embedded Controller for most battery status
The battery temperature readout actually uses the latter.
So while "tp_smapi" started out doing only SMAPI access, by now it's
somewhat of a misnomer. At some point we'll probably split the code
into three modules:
- thinkpad_ec for low-level EC access (already exists)
- thinkpad_smapi for low-level SMAPI access
- thinkpad_battery for battery-related functions using both of the above