[ltp] Mysteriously non-working presentation remote

Nathaniel Smith linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 22 Aug 2008 22:42:42 -0700

I have a Logitech presentation remote, one of those doohickeys that
lets you advance your slides without standing at the keyboard.  It has
a little USB dongle that plugs in and acts as a HID keyboard.  It used
to work just fine; last time I used it was about a year ago, and since
then I've reinstalled, etc.

The weird thing is that now, when I plug said dongle into my X60, the
kernel does not notice.  It doesn't work, and it doesn't even show up
in lsusb:
    ~$ sudo lsusb    # without device plugged in
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
    ~$ sudo lsusb    # with device plugged in
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
It doesn't matter which of the usb ports I use -- same result.
However, if I plug in a USB storage device, then it is detected
properly and works perfectly (again, it doesn't matter which usb port
I use).  So that would suggest that my computer is fine and the
presenter is simply broken.

Except... if I plug it in to another computer (tested both a friend's
mac, and my wife's T61), it shows up and works perfectly.

So somehow there is something mysteriously broken with the
*combination* of my X60 and the presentation remote.

I'm using Ubuntu hardy's 2.6.24-19.36 generic kernel.

Any ideas?  I am at a loss.

-- Nathaniel