[ltp] Re: tpfand configuration for an X200s

Volker Krüger linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 5 Dec 2008 08:25:27 +0100 (CET)

Hi all,

could it be possible that lenovo's powermanagement is overriding the bios fan control (among other things)?

could someone investigate if there is a difference in power consumption between the ordinary visa (w/o lenovo drivers) and lenovo's vista (with lenovo drivers)?

It could be that the ordinary vista uses as much power as linux, right?

Another possibility is that the bios is used differently by vista and by linux: The bios might very well have a bug which might not come apparent under vista... How much does the X200s consume under XP or win2000?


----- "Henrique de Moraes Holschuh" <hmh@hmh.eng.br> wrote:

> On Wed, 03 Dec 2008, John Li wrote:
> > Can you say how likely would this be? Since under Linux, the system
> > does seem to consistently draw /at least/ ~2.5W more, maybe the fan
> > "issue" is really just a heat generation/dissipation issue.
> Well, if something is not perfect in the assembly of your thinkpad, it
> is
> quite likely.  ThinkPads have an history of half-assed jobs done both
> in the
> factory and on repair shops when attaching the cooling systems to the
> GPU,
> CPU, etc.
> > How should we go about contacting Lenovo about these issues?
> If Linux is drawing 2.5W more?  There is nothing that can be done
> about it
> through Lenovo, we will have to figure it out ourselves.
> > Aside from threshholds and heat generation, though, I think there's
> > still a bug somewhere: after the fan speeds up, even when
> temperatures
> > become lower (lower than when the fan was at ~1900), the fan still
> > spins at ~3500. Kernel issue? thinkpad-acpi issue? The problem
> doesn't
> > happen in Vista, so I wouldn't think it'd be a hardware/EC/BIOS
> issue.
> Well, the EC controls the fan speed.  ACPI doesn't, and Vista is
> extremely
> unlikely to be doing it (Lenovo would just adjust the EC control
> program
> accordingly, instead).
> thinkpad-acpi really is not part of the problem if you leave the fan
> in AUTO
> mode.
> BTW: You can ask Lenovo to reduce the ammount of hysteresis in the
> fan
> control loop.  That would make the fan slow down sooner.
> > Or is the fan speed determined by something other than the numbers
> we
> > can see with thinkpad-acpi's thermal readings?
> Yes, the EC might be taking into account extra factors than the
> thermal
> sensors we know about.
> If you could test the vista behaviour with the thermal sensors at the
> same
> level as in Linux, and you find out that the EC behaves differently
> for the
> same set of temperatures in the sensors, than that would prove there
> is
> something else affecting the EC decision about the fan speed.
> -- 
>   "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to
> bring
>   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
>   where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
>   Henrique Holschuh
> -- 
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