[ltp] Re: New thinkpad recomendation
Christoph Bier
Thu, 11 Dec 2008 16:31:11 +0100
Richard Neill schrieb:
> Christoph Bier wrote:
>> Yves Dorfsman schrieb:
>>> Christoph Bier wrote:
>>>> I liked it, too, but couldn't get the webcam to work. And you should
>>>> beware that you get at most a Core 2 Duo with 1,4 GHz. For me that
>>>> was just too slow.
>>> Because the type of work you do with it, or even for just basic
>>> gnom/kde + Firefox + OOO stuff ?
>> Just for basic stuff, VirtualBox, and for compiling LaTeX documents.
>> Though you only need to start TB and FF once it annoys me to wait.
>> Basically I hate it to wait in front of my PC, be it starting Nautilus
>> or some other programs not constantly running. Compiling LaTeX documents
>> can be time consuming---depending on size, usage of microtypografic
>> features and stuff.
> Well, if you have enough RAM,
4 GB with PAE on a 32 bit system. That's enough ;-).
> start them in the background, on a
> different virtual desktop, niced and ioniced.
I try to run programs as I need them to save power (to prevent needless
CPU wake ups). But maybe this is a wrong assumption ...
> A bit of clever scripting
I don't know much about that.
> will make this automatic, and you can have the programs you need ready.
> Even if your script subsequently closes them, they'll stay cached in
> RAM. Useful places to start are kstart, wmctrl, and (maybe) devilspie.
> As for the latex docs, why not write a script to rsync it to your main
> pc, compile, and rsync back...
Why should I use my laptop if I'm nearby my desktop PC? I use my laptop
when I'm not at home/in office. Apart from that my desktop PC isn't
faster than my laptop (C2D 1,86 GHz vs. C2D 1,87 GHz) and I'm satisfied
with my TP's performance.
> might be quicker!
Rather unlikely---even with an X301 we were talking about.
+++ Typografie-Regeln: http://zvisionwelt.de/downloads.html (1.6)