X61s (Re: [ltp] Self-install or commercial install?)
David Bremner
Fri, 22 Feb 2008 08:00:31 +0100
>>>>> "Theodore" == Theodore Tso <tytso@MIT.EDU> writes:
Theodore> Be warned that EVDO service requires a Windows system to
Theodore> initialize the card and establish the account with
Theodore> either Sprint or Verizon. Once the service, you will
Theodore> need to boot into Windows from time to time to update
Theodore> the PRL list, which updates the list of cell towers that
Theodore> can be used by your Verizon or Sprint account. Using a
Theodore> PCMCIA card makes it easier to initialize the WWAN
Theodore> hardware without needing to use a dual-boot system.
Life is simpler with GSM based WWAN cards. I bought an unlocked Sierra
Wireless 875 PCMCIA card for $100, bought a sim card for 15 euros
(purchases on different continents), plugged it in, and it works (in
my x61s), no Windows required. I haven't used it very much, so I
don't know of any required updating process, but I doubt it.
But Ted's point not to buy the builtin WWAN card stands. And in the
US and Canada high speed GSM coverage is apparently not very good.