[ltp] Is it just me or is ACPId way, way too verbose?

Michael Karcher linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:09:56 +0100

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Am Freitag, den 22.02.2008, 01:59 -0800 schrieb Ryan Turner:
> Actually, now that you mention it...
> I ran a couple of tests today to see when this happens. It only seems to=20
> start logging lots of messages after a minute or two of intense=20
> processing. (I compiled X.org as a test) The temperature gauge would=20
> rise from idle 35C to 70C where CPUFREQ would force scale the cores to=20
> 1.0Ghz. Then messages start to appear in syslog. Given these results, it=20
> may actually be an overheating issue. What's odd is it never goes past=20
> 70C. a year or so ago it was common for the CPU to reach over 100C. (I=20
> know that's very bad, IBM has replaced the processor since then.)
So, it probably is thermal protection. Might be that when the CPU
reached over 100C (which is forbidden by Intel, and should automatically
cause thermal throttling!), Linux was not yet ready or configured to
handle a P state change and react properly to it. You might need to have
acpi_cpufreq loaded.

On this list, there have been several reports of people who have
successfully cleaned their fans and got a big improvement in thermal

  Michael Karcher

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