[ltp] Running with line power and no battery
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
Fri, 29 Feb 2008 14:06:11 -0300
On Fri, 29 Feb 2008, Dom wrote:
> /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal output looks something like:
> temperatures: 44 41 29 53 31 -128 29 -128 36 47 46 -128 -128 -128 -128
> -128
> and values num, 5 and 6 are what you're talking about: 31°C and 29°C,
> not a big difference though, or is it?
Values 5 and 7 you mean. Yes, that's it. And IMHO, a 2K (or 2°C) difference
from one side of the pack to the other is still expressive enough.
That said, I usually get:
Main battery charger: +36.0°C
Main battery cells: +30.0°C
(sensors output with my T43 sensors.conf file and a hwmon-enabled
thinkpad-acpi :-p).
Which is even a more expressive differene :-)
I guess your thinkpad does a much better job at keeping your battery pack
cold than mine! Might be the pack electronics themselves, too.
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Henrique Holschuh