[ltp] x61s suspend problem

Marius Gedminas linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 03:46:44 +0200

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On Fri, Jan 25, 2008 at 02:18:30AM +0100, Benjam=C3=AD Villoslada wrote:
> But after some suspend resume, the system hangs --I can only read "
>   linu" in the screen left corner.

This happens on my T61 sometimes.  If I leave the laptop alone, it just
stays there, frozen.  If I manually switch to the 8th console (IIRC), I
see kernel messages, I can type, switch consoles, toggle caps lock.  I
cannot use Alt-SysRq at this point, and switching to the console that
has X on it at this point is a recipe for a total freeze.

I usually keep pressing CapsLock to see the LED blink until I see the
HDD LED turn on.  After that the laptop boots normally (and belatedly
executes any queued Alt-SysRq commands).

I've no idea why CapsLock helps the laptop wake up.  Well, okay, I have
one idea -- with a NOHZ kernel capslock is probably the only way to
generate interrupts if a driver forgets to set a timer of its own.
But I'm pretty clueless about this stuff, so take it with a big grain of

If I don't do the vt switch pretty soon after opening the lid, after
several (tens of?) seconds, I'll find the laptop frozen hard so that
neither vt switches nor capslock work anymore.

Lately I've discovered that after such a problematic resume I find

  hda_intel: azx_get_response timeout, switching to single_cmd mode...

in dmesg with the timestamp close to the start of the resume, and sound
won't work until I rmmod and reload snd-hda-intel.

I think it's the intel HDA driver that's breaking resume.

Marius Gedminas
(mental note: stop installing red hat. everytime i do so, it takes ages to =
my system again.)
                -- from the sig of Martin H=F6gman

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