[ltp] /proc/acpi/ibm/bay gone with ThinkPad ACPI Extras
Thu, 31 Jan 2008 11:22:13 +1100
On Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 10:52:00AM +1100, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> Shouldn't thinkpad_acpi output some message at load time that says
> whether it saw the bay or if it was busy?
I modified the source a bit to output the messages in there, and got:
thinkpad_acpi: ThinkPad ACPI Extras v0.19-20080107
thinkpad_acpi: http://ibm-acpi.sf.net/
thinkpad_acpi: ThinkPad BIOS 7FETA4WW (2.22 ), EC 7FHT26WW-1.08
thinkpad_acpi: Lenovo ThinkPad Z61p
thinkpad_acpi: radio switch found; radios are enabled
debug: initializing bay subdriver
bay 1: status supported, eject supported; bay 2: status not supported,
eject not supported
thinkpad_acpi: acpi_bus_get_device(bay) failed: -19
thinkpad_acpi: disabling subdriver bay
thinkpad_acpi: standard ACPI backlight interface available, not loading
native one...
input: ThinkPad Extra Buttons as /devices/virtual/input/input14
Ok, at least that sheds more light on the thinkpad_acpi side, and of
course, the bay is still unused AFAIK:
gandalf:/usr/src/linux# lsmod |grep bay
gandalf:/usr/src/linux# find /lib/modules/2.6.24-slab-tpacpi0.19-p4core2smp-preempt-1khz-noticks-marc8/kernel | grep bay
If my config.gz can shed some light, here it is again:
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