[ltp] scsi vs ata ?

Jon Dowland linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 20 Jun 2008 12:46:42 +0100

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 06:45:31AM -0700, Dan Sawyer wrote:
> All,
> Which is the more common mapping for hard drives in
> current  distributions, hda or sda? I am trying to make
> ultra bay hot swap to  work. Does it depend on an hda or
> sda mapping? Is it independent of hda  versue sda?

I'm also working on ultrabay hot swap (as a patch for
acpi-support in Debian/Ubuntu): please see

I think some important libata fixes have gone into the
kernel in >= 2.6.26. With 2.6.25, I cannot convince libata
to let go of the bay device.

If you're finding that you are going to hard-code
/dev/[sh]d? into a script I think you may want to rethink
how you are doing it.

Jon Dowland