[ltp] X41: sound after s2ram cycle.

Dmitry E. Mikhailov linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 25 Jun 2008 21:44:43 +0600


Tell me please if there are any X41 owners on the mailing list and if there's 
a following problem with the sound:

After s2ram cycle I got only sound from internal speaker, even if the 
headphones are plugged in.

s2disk (hibernate) restores the functionality.

Sometimes (rare!) I got the functionality after s2ram. If I repeat s2ram, it 
stops working again.

I compared ALSA registers before and after: they are the same.

It was Ok then I got Fedora7 with kernel 2.6.18 installed. But even if I 
restore 2.6.18 now, things don't go right.

Before the Switch from 'another proprietary OS' it was Ok.

With Fedora9 I got a famous 'alsasound' service. It's restart doesn't help. 
Reloading modules doesn't help. Rolling ALSA back doesn't seem to help but I 
could do it wrong way. Tested kernels: 2.6.18.?, 2.6.19, 2.6.20,, 
2.6.22, 2.6.22.?, 2.6.23,,,, 2.6.25,, (current).

	Best regards, Dmitry.