[ltp] Running with line power and no battery
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
Sat, 1 Mar 2008 19:20:26 -0300
On Fri, 29 Feb 2008, Micha wrote:
> Not sure what he said, but AFAIK modern batteries like a constant trickle
> charge, don't like to be overheated, fully charged or fully discharged. Not
That's more or less correct, but I am not sure about it liking tickle
charges, I've heard the opposite. OTOH, they HATE to heat up, and burp
charging does heat them up a lot more...
> sure what's with overcharging but I was told that when they get close to empty
> the cells don't empty out at the same rate and the fuller ones cause backflow
> killing the ones that emptied faster.
I am not too sure about the above. The fact is that being nearly empty is
bad to a Li-ION cell by itself, even when there are no other cells.
> Since this is a travelling laptop, I'm trying the approach of charging to 90%
> with the charge limit threshold and as much as possible stay above 30%
> (although I started using it to take notes in classes, and when they run above
> three hours the battery tends to run too low).
That's a good way to care for the battery, yes.
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Henrique Holschuh