[ltp] T61 Gutsy > Hardy upgrade almost fixed stuff

John Jason Jordan linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 4 May 2008 08:57:14 -0700

On Sun, 04 May 2008 21:42:41 +0800
Donald P Kong <dpkong@pc.jaring.my> dijo:

> i have tested Hardy 8.04 on a X61 with iwl3945. the wifi LED does not
> work. i used self-compiled compat-wireless drivers to get the LED. did
> not try the backport kernel.
> network-manager should still see wireless networks available if you are
> connected to wired LAN, unless the wifi card is disabled/module
> unloaded.

That's what I thought. But Network Manager does not see any of my
neighbors' networks. I also have Wifi-radar installed and it does not
see the neighbors' networks either, nor do I get a list from the
command line. When I was at the university Friday neither saw any
networks either. Yet I was able to connect to the university's student
access point. It did so automatically, and I have no idea how it did
so. There are about a dozen networks available at the university, each
with multiple access points. How did it know which one to connect to?
Very strange.

I also have a Netgear WG511T PCMCIA wireless card (Atheros chipset). I
did not use it Friday at the university because I wanted to test the
4965agn after the upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy, which I had done the day
before. Since the 4965agn worked, I never put the WG511T in the slot.
But from past experience, when I use the WG511T I get a list of about
25 access points when I am in the library. That is, the list appears in
Wifi-radar, and if I do "iwlist ath1 scan" from the command line, but
if I turn off roaming mode in Network Manager and try the drop-down it
shows all the access points only about one out of 20 tries. And now
nothing shows the list.