[ltp] intel GM965 rescales 1024 to 1280 on LVDS on a T61

Fredrik Wendt linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 09 May 2008 16:01:37 +0200

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fre 2008-05-09 klockan 15:20 +0300 skrev Marius Gedminas:
> > [snip]I don't
> > feel like updating unless there's a need for it.
> Do you use the two USB ports on the right side?  If so, and if you're
> unhappy that they stop working after 15 minutes with Bluetooth on, then
> you do have a need to update the BIOS.  (BIOS 2.07 had the fix for USB,
> so if you have an older one -- and I seem to remember an email upthread
> that indicates you do -- then you have that problem.)

Ah - well, I've been kind of used to running lsusb manually to "force"
it into a working mode again when after plugging in a new device (mouse,
keyboard and USB memory stick is what I've used - unplug has always

Will update the BIOS. Will report if this adds a HW expansion option in
the BIOS.=20

Can't verify the xrandr thing  either (using Ubuntu Hardy here too =3D
"old" X) but I'm sure it'll work like charm. :)



ceda@t61-laptopt:~$ xrandr --output LVDS --set PANEL_FITTING center
X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)
  Major opcode of failed request:  156 (RANDR)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  11 ()
  Serial number of failed request:  18
  Current serial number in output stream:  18

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