[ltp] diagnosing a freeze on T60p with ubuntu hardy

Phil Shotton linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 16 May 2008 17:51:00 +0100

One interesting (maybe) feature of my hang. The numlock led always 
lights up when it's in this state. Also, when the hang happens the mouse 
pointer can still be moved for a few seconds but mouse-clicks don't do 
anything. Then the pointer freezes as well. You can also switch to a vt 
(before the mouse freezes) but keypresses don't do anything. Then 
everything locks solid. Nothing in any logs, but I'm starting to wonder 
if this is an X server bug.


Brad Langhorst wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-05-15 at 11:02 +0100, Phil Shotton wrote:
>> What is your graphics card, and what are you doing at the time of the 
>> freeze?
>> I can get exactly the same symptoms (frozen system but with stuttering 
>> sound) pretty reproducibly by playing a video in mplayer using the gl2 
>> video output and selecting full-screen. This is with an ATI Mobility 
>> FireGL V5250.
>> Provided I don't play video then 99% of the time it's fine.
> I think all the T60p's have FireGL V52xx series video hardware - that's
> what I have.
> I'm trying this gl2 video output now to see if i can reproduce your
> hang.
> [gl2] You have OpenGL >= 1.2 capable drivers, GOOD (16bpp and BGR is
> ok!)
> [gl2] antialiasing off
> [gl2] bilinear linear
> A:  14.8 V:   1.8 A-V: 13.032 ct:  0.165  53/ 53  6% 842% 11.8% 50 0 
>            ************************************************
>            **** Your system is too SLOW to play this!  ****
>            ************************************************
>  ...
> it's unwatchable using -vo gl2 - but no hang even after about 5 minutes
> of a clearly taxed system.
> Sounds like we don't share the same problem.
> There is no apparent pattern wrt software I'm using at the time of the
> hang.  I've seen the hang using fglrx but I've been using the ati driver
> from X since I reinstalled the OS a week or so ago.
> no 3d.
> It seem i'm going to have to run with windows (like running with
> scissors?) for a while to truly isolate the hardware from the software
> issues....  
> Or maybe i'll try to use vesa - that might eliminiate the ati driver
> from X (seems unlikely to help given that both fglrx and ati exhibit the
> same problem.)
> brad