[ltp] diagnosing a freeze on T60p with ubuntu hardy

Richard Neill linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Fri, 16 May 2008 21:48:06 +0100

Phil Shotton wrote:
> One interesting (maybe) feature of my hang. The numlock led always
> lights up when it's in this state. Also, when the hang happens the mouse
> pointer can still be moved for a few seconds but mouse-clicks don't do
> anything. Then the pointer freezes as well. You can also switch to a vt
> (before the mouse freezes) but keypresses don't do anything. Then
> everything locks solid. Nothing in any logs, but I'm starting to wonder
> if this is an X server bug.

My T60p also misbehaves in a similar way, with random lockups. I use the
VESA driver with Gutsy. Also, it seems (subjectively) to occur more
frequently when I use wifi.
