[ltp] Ubuntu Intrepid: Thinkpad T61 with keyboard lockups.

Thomas Adam linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 3 Nov 2008 00:31:45 +0000

2008/11/3 Richard Neill <rn214@hermes.cam.ac.uk>:
> * On wakeup from screensaver, sometimes xscreensaver doesn't seem to release
> the mouse pointer. I assumed that the de-activated process had failed to
> release the mouse - though it's possible that it had just left the pointer
> invisible.

That issue's symptom was, IIRC, from any number of things.  ISTR
reading about it, but since I don't like screensavers, it's never
bitten me ("xtrlock" works just fine for me.)

> Out of curiosity, does the swap-to-VT1;swap-to-Vt7 trick work?

Alas, not.  Only restarting X11 seems to solve it.

-- Thomas Adam