[ltp] One battery or two?

Yves-Alexis Perez linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 06 Oct 2008 22:53:44 +0200

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On lun, 2008-10-06 at 22:42 +0200, Tino Keitel wrote:
> AFAIK this is not correct. The battery is stressed mostly during the
> last few % of the charge cycle, until it reaches 100%. So it doesn't
> matter if you charge from 10% to 100% or from 70% to 100% (or, at
> least
> charging from 70% to 100% isn't only one third of the harm than
> charging from 10% to 100%). That's also the background of Henrique's
> hint to avoid the last 5% of a charge cycle, and to set
> stop_charge_thresh to 95 or lower.

And irrc, when the battery is =E2=80=9Cnear charged=E2=80=9D it'll heat a b=
it more.

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