[ltp] T61 locking up

Michael Karcher linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 14 Sep 2008 11:27:40 +0200

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Am Sonntag, den 14.09.2008, 00:03 -0700 schrieb John Jason Jordan:
> The computer never locks up when I am using it. When I return after a
> period of time either the screen saver will be running or the screen
> will be black. In either case, moving the mouse or hitting any key
> will restore the screen. However, about twice a week I will return to
> find a black screen and the computer locked up. By "locked up" I mean
> the mouse and the keyboard cannot restore the screen. The only option
> is to reboot.
Have you tried Ctrl-Alt-F1 to switch to the text console?

>    Put computer to sleep when inactive for: Never
>    Put computer to sleep when inactive for: Never

I think you are off track when suspecting power management issues be the
cause for problem. I suspect the problem is some graphics driver problem
that make some screen savers that use 3D accelleration to crash your
system. As I consider "screen savers" to be a waste of resources,
especially on laptops (they use to create processor load when no one is
needing any power from the computer; quick animations are directly
opposed to getting the processor to have as few wakeups as possible, and
finally the generated heat causes unneccesary thermal stress and
possibly fan wear), I would suggest you to just switch to "blank screen"
as screensaver mode.

  Michael Karcher

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