[ltp] Re: static discharge

green linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 18 Feb 2009 13:35:57 -0600

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On Wed, 2009-02-18, 049, James Knott wrote:
> Christoph Bier wrote:
>> Daniel Castro schrieb:
>>> well i wouldn't say it is normal for laptops to take ESDs, it has =20
>>> never happened to me anyway... and it's the first time i hear it from=
>>> someone else.
>> I observed it a few times on my 3 month old ThinkPad and it always =20
>> happens at the finger print reader.
> If you're worried about it, just touch a metal part of the case first.

Where?  On my T61 there are several places that often I feel a discharge to=
that do not look like metal.  Then there is the VGA port which would probab=
"grounded to the case".  But why would one be better than another anyway? =
Where is the charge discharged to?  The battery (see my original post)?  No=
that it has happened when the system is not connected to AC (not that it wo=
be grounded when connected anyway).

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