[ltp] a few long questions with potentially short answers
André Wyrwa
Tue, 10 Mar 2009 06:15:41 +0100
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i finally found the time recently to round up the gentoo installation on
my T61p a bit. There are a few open questions...
1. bluetooth toggling:
I'm using kernel 2.6.27, still...question is...what is at this moment
the supposed/best way to tie bluetooth activation/deactivation to fn-f5?
acpid event/action script or should i wait for 2.6.28 and use hal input?
Will it work without any extra work when using hal input or do i still
need a script? Sorry, i know it has been discussed a lot, i'm not asking
for any details, i just got confused as to what is the way to go and i
have not touched the whole hal input layer thingy, yet.
2. thinkfinger:
Found it, enabled it, works well with gdm. Questions: Is there any way
to make it autodetect the username as well (non-C-coding way)? Which
other application should support it?
3. nvidia framebuffer:
I can't seem to find the right info to set up the console to 1920x1200.
Got all the kernel options set, can someone give me the right boot
4. nvidia xserver - long restart time:
When killing my X server or logging out, it takes the X server quite a
while to restart. Also, there seems to be network traffic occuring
during that time (my wireless led flickers). Any hints what that is all
5. UltraNav button separation:
Is it possible to recieve separate button events for the touchpads
buttons than for the trackpoints buttons without using hal input/evdev?
Will it be possible when using it?
6. OT: automatic input replacement:
I have a US model, but find myself typing german stuff a lot, recently,
needing umlauts quite a bit. Does anyone know of a little daemon or any
other good solution to automatically replace ue,ae,oe,ss by their german
versions in an application independent fashion? Maybe with holding a
qualifier? I'm using gnomes charmap applet for now, but it's still too
7: just a little remark:
The eject fn-f9 combination is NOT intended for ejecting optical media.
It's purpose is rather ejecting pluggable devices like usb, ultrabay and
undocking. The table on thinkwiki is a bit misleading in that regard.
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