[ltp] HDA-Intel and Beeps

kionez linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 05 Nov 2009 15:27:50 +0100

Hi all, there is the results of our reports:


Obiuvsly, if anyone could add more data or another report, he should
send me an email and I'll be glad to update it.

Now we should start to compare them and try to solve..

If anyone wants to publish it into ThinkWiki or some other place, I add
a downloadable CSV, at the moment I have no time to create a wiki page.

Is there anyone subscribed to alsa-devel mailing lists?

I'm not so able to write in english, but if no-one can submit a
mail\request\bug to ALSA-developers I'll do it when I have some time (in
the weekend, i hope..), we have to write a clear and understendable mail.

Thanks to everyone!
