[ltp] How bad is this (on a scale)?

Pedro Ribeiro linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sat, 28 Nov 2009 12:46:19 +0000

On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Robert Tomsick <robert@tomsick.net> wrote=
> On Sat, 2009-11-28 at 13:07 +0100, Micael wrote:
>> Since a few months, I have this nice x200s with a =A0LED backlit screen =
and 9
>> cell battery pack, CPU =A0L9600. Thing is, I think the power is drained =
>> fast from the battery, much worse than when I dual boot into windows.
>> I have disabled the wireless with the hardware button, and tried to find
>> reasons for the poor performance. But maybe I expcted too much from this
>> laptop in terms of battery performance?
>> I'd like your opinion on how good/bad the numbers are;
>> [snip]
> That can't be right. =A0Your laptop is _not_ draining 126.9W in use, even
> at max draw.
> Are you sure that's what powertop reported?
> As a point of reference, I have the same laptop (except with an SU9300
> ULV CPU), and I can get it down to under 6W when idle.
> Best,
> Rob
> --
> The linux-thinkpad mailing list home page is at:
> http://mailman.linux-thinkpad.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-thinkpad

The power readings aren't correct because you are using powertop while
on AC. For a real power estimate, you must unplug from the AC.