[OT] Style (was: Re: [ltp] What is Kernel ?)
Joerg Bruehe
Mon, 26 Oct 2009 17:39:29 +0100
James Knott wrote:
> Lou Burnard wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 12:41 PM, James Knott <james.knott@rogers.com>=
>> =20
>>> a dehqan wrote:
>>> =20
>>>> In The Name Of God The compassionate merciful
>>>> =20
>>> Please do not post such nonsense here.
>>> =20
>> lighten up, dude: just accept that some people like to start a
>> conversation in different ways from you...
>> =20
> I'm sure I could come up with a few ways to start a message that others=
> would find offensive. I find religious belief to be offensive, perhaps=
> even an obscenity. There's no room for such nonsense here.
You should accept that several others will find the application of the
term "nonsense" to "religious belief" to be equally offensive, whatever
their personal belief may be.
TTBOMK, the intro line used is (or at least: was) considered an accepted
(maybe even the preferred) way in Muslim world to introduce some talk.
Yes, it sounds strange to (us) non-Muslims, but IMO that doesn't warrant
such a strong reaction.
Yes, it is better for the climate on this list to use more neutral
terms, and I personally think the usual "Hallo", "Dear readers", "Fellow
Thinkpad users" and many variations are adequate.
I still hope nobody objects when I use the (equally Muslim origin)
"Peace be with you!", explicitly including a peaceful communication on
this list (to which we all can and should contribute).
Joerg Bruehe - persoenliche Aeusserung / speaking only for himself