[ltp] How to get volume hotkeys working again on W500?

Marius Gedminas linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sun, 7 Mar 2010 04:27:30 +0200

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On Sat, Mar 06, 2010 at 02:42:09PM -0800, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> Now this reminds me that I find the speaker volume fairly low on this
> laptop. When the source is low too, end volume is too low sometimes.
> Does someone have a recommended way to boost sound by resampling the outp=
> past whatever volume 100% on alsamixer would give you?

Pulseaudio can do that.  If you launch the sound settings dialog, the
volume slider goes to maybe 150% (while volume control keys/the dropdown
slider from the applet only go to 100%).

Some applications such as VLC or mplayer can do that too (VLC out of the
box, mplayer if you enable -softvol and set -softvol-max to something
higer than 100).

I've also noticed that the integrated speakers of my T61 aren't as loud
as the ones on my T42 were.

Marius Gedminas
Unix gives you enough rope to shoot yourself in the foot.

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